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"Harming one's relations with his/her own children" is the exact definition of Domestic Violence.
Filed Judicial review board complaint against Judge Joe Salvi. 1-10-2022
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Dear Child Protective Services, Justice departments and Veteran Affairs
I would like to file attempted murder charges against Judge Joe Salvi (lake County) Family law Judge and his brother Al Salvi Attorney (Brother to Judge Joe Salvi) in conspiring to commit murder of a 20 year veteran. The attached letter from the American Psychological Association addresses the separation of parents and children. In the fifth paragraph that starts out as "As a tragic example" it goes into the suicide of a Honduran man as a direct result of the separation of parents and children. Not only was this spelled out with empirical data in the APA's letter but as a judge in family court, Judge Joe Salvi should be educated in the damage of separating families to both the child and the parent. These facts not only shows the criminal intent of Judge Joe Salvi but shows the complete disregard of the judicial canons