5-30-2023 Discussion with Maria Brunner attorney for NC
Josh Stein, North Carolina's Attorney General
PROTECTS Child Abusers and Encourages Domestic Violence. How do I know? Because Josh Stein refused to do anything when I brought this to his attention. I wrote this letter on November 13th, 2017 I have spoke to many members of his administration and I am still waiting on Josh Stein's response. |
USPS tracking number
9470111298370085569292 |
Josh Stein ignoring letters, emails and refusing to report mandatory reporting of child abuse
NCGS § 7B-301 North Carolina has a mandatory reporting law, NCGS § 7B-301
NCGS § 7B-301 North Carolina has a mandatory reporting law, NCGS § 7B-301
Email 5-8-2023
Dear Attorney General Josh Stein,
How would you like to die? It's the name of my most recent new book.
You should pick it up. It shows that judges directly profit from the separation of children and parents in family court. You all make money from the destruction of families all while abusing and trafficking children.
I listened to your entire speech today. https://fb.watch/kp53o_-Y6m/
You ended it with:
"Nothing is more important than to protect our kids"
I should have paid more attention to your comments closer when hearing the word 'our' and not your children. From everything I have seen it is only politicians and judges and your cronies' kids that matter.
All of the items you listed about the issues confronting children are items from psychological child abuse.
You are blaming every other issue other than what is definitely a cause.
How much of a cause, no one knows because all of North Carolina's departments go out of their way to hide any complaints and statistics.
How many psychologists would you like me to provide?https://youtu.be/YQXSAVUNngg
How about a letter from the American Psychological Association?
How many videos would you like links to?
How many children have to commit suicide before you act? Is there a magical number?
How many judges need to be accused of child abuse? We are at 650+ currently across the nation and . Does every family court judge have to be accused of child abuse?
I contacted you about this in 2017 and you threw your attorney Hugh Harris at me to silence the corruption. You do realize you were obligated to report suspected child abuse according to North Carolina mandatory reporting law, NCGS § 7B-301
Did you do that?
But the reality of it all, you and your cronies make hundreds of millions of dollars every year that go to your retirement. These figures were given to me by North Carolina employees. These numbers directly come from abusing children psychologically and emotionally. It is in my books and not one thing is derived from me, but professionals who specialize within their own industries.
Patrick Kinlaw
Director of Policy, Planning, and Compliance
Retirement Systems Division
Office: (919) 814-4157
Sara Maleski
Legal Communications Paralegal
Office of Communications
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Office: 919-855-4840
[email protected]
Marlene Cooper
Administrative Coordinator
Retirement Systems Division
Toll free: 1-877-627-3287 option 5
Mrs Cooper
[email protected]
Marcia Evans
Communications Specialist
NC Office of State Budget and Management
Once again, I do not expect any response from you because the real point here, is you do not actually care about the children or the constitution.
What is abundantly clear was the most abhorrent thing today was you at that podium acting as if you cared about children.
28 judges accused of child abuse in North Carolina. Many are accused of being serial child abusers and traffickers.
Have a Beautiful day.
Kenneth R. Gottfried
Dear Attorney General Josh Stein,
How would you like to die? It's the name of my most recent new book.
You should pick it up. It shows that judges directly profit from the separation of children and parents in family court. You all make money from the destruction of families all while abusing and trafficking children.
I listened to your entire speech today. https://fb.watch/kp53o_-Y6m/
You ended it with:
"Nothing is more important than to protect our kids"
I should have paid more attention to your comments closer when hearing the word 'our' and not your children. From everything I have seen it is only politicians and judges and your cronies' kids that matter.
All of the items you listed about the issues confronting children are items from psychological child abuse.
- Mental health issues
- Depression
- Drug use
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Self-injury
- Suicide
You are blaming every other issue other than what is definitely a cause.
How much of a cause, no one knows because all of North Carolina's departments go out of their way to hide any complaints and statistics.
How many psychologists would you like me to provide?https://youtu.be/YQXSAVUNngg
How about a letter from the American Psychological Association?
How many videos would you like links to?
How many children have to commit suicide before you act? Is there a magical number?
How many judges need to be accused of child abuse? We are at 650+ currently across the nation and . Does every family court judge have to be accused of child abuse?
I contacted you about this in 2017 and you threw your attorney Hugh Harris at me to silence the corruption. You do realize you were obligated to report suspected child abuse according to North Carolina mandatory reporting law, NCGS § 7B-301
Did you do that?
But the reality of it all, you and your cronies make hundreds of millions of dollars every year that go to your retirement. These figures were given to me by North Carolina employees. These numbers directly come from abusing children psychologically and emotionally. It is in my books and not one thing is derived from me, but professionals who specialize within their own industries.
Patrick Kinlaw
Director of Policy, Planning, and Compliance
Retirement Systems Division
Office: (919) 814-4157
Sara Maleski
Legal Communications Paralegal
Office of Communications
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Office: 919-855-4840
[email protected]
Marlene Cooper
Administrative Coordinator
Retirement Systems Division
Toll free: 1-877-627-3287 option 5
Mrs Cooper
[email protected]
Marcia Evans
Communications Specialist
NC Office of State Budget and Management
Once again, I do not expect any response from you because the real point here, is you do not actually care about the children or the constitution.
What is abundantly clear was the most abhorrent thing today was you at that podium acting as if you cared about children.
28 judges accused of child abuse in North Carolina. Many are accused of being serial child abusers and traffickers.
Have a Beautiful day.
Kenneth R. Gottfried
Email 4-14-2023
Dear Mr. Stein
I would like to ask you a very simple question.
Since I have uncovered that every NC State employee's retirement fund is funded through federal grants through the Social securities act title 4 D & E.
Could you please tell me how fair and impartial any politician, NC employee or NC judicial retiree' could be since everyone who works within the NC Government profits from the emotional and psychological abuse of children?
Have a Beautiful day.
Kenneth R. Gottfried
Dear Mr. Stein
I would like to ask you a very simple question.
Since I have uncovered that every NC State employee's retirement fund is funded through federal grants through the Social securities act title 4 D & E.
Could you please tell me how fair and impartial any politician, NC employee or NC judicial retiree' could be since everyone who works within the NC Government profits from the emotional and psychological abuse of children?
Have a Beautiful day.
Kenneth R. Gottfried
With the constant calling from parents and grandparents who's children are being abused by the same Judges and justice system a new letter needed to be written.
New Letter to North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein. MAY 18TH, 2022
May 18th, 2022
Kenneth R. Gottfried
1067 S. Hover St.
Ste E-178
Longmont, CO, 80501
Mr. Josh Stein
Attorney General’s Office
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Dear Mr. Stein:
I hope you are doing well in these crazy days.
I am in a quandary and have been put in a position where I absolutely request your advice.
As you know, I wrote you a letter on December 1st 2017. (https://www.childabusivejudges.com/josh-stein.html )
Since this letter you ordered your attorney: Hugh Harris to do his best to defuse the situation with making the least waves possible and protect the child abusive judges who abused my under-aged daughters.
I explained this within your council and AG's office
This included covering up of child abusers and domestic violence ordered by judges in your state. Specifically Judge Hal G. Harrison, Judge F. Warren Hughes and Judge Rebecca Eggers-Gryder.
Here is where my confusion comes in.
This inspired me to write two books.
At this point there is a statute in North Carolina that MANDATES you or anyone to report suspected child abuse. N.C.G.S. § 7B-301. To my knowledge neither you nor your attorney or anyone listed above reported suspected child abuse. Please let me know where to report you and your attorney Hugh Harris as well as the people listed above of this crime?
The sad part, even if you did report it, there were Chad Slagle and Tom Hughes at the DSS ready to lie and deny any investigation about the child abuse
Even with a hard copy in my hand of 3 confirmed ethics violations from the North Carolina Board of Professional Counselors on Lyric Fitzgibbons who directly psychologically abused my daughters, Judge F. Warren Hughes allowed her to testify in my case as an EXPERT witness. Judge Hughes did this with only a 1-day notice and overruled my attorneys’ objections. Judge Hughes knew full well that in North Carolina any expert witness requires a minimum of a 5-day notice for due process.
You see, one can’t win a game that has been fixed. Like when Rebecca Egger’s (Now a family court judge) with law firm Eggers, Eggers, Eggers and Eggers bribed judge Hal G. Harrison to do their bidding. Yes, the exact bribes are acknowledged and documented by the North Carolina Disclosure report. An ironic point: They are documented by the North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement Examples: https://www.childabusivejudges.com/judge-hal-harrison.html
Based on my experience the workings of your department, the NC justice system, and it’s oversite committees can without any doubt be considered a child trafficking ring.
You and your institutions routinely abuse children and parents to the point of life long emotional issues and committing suicide.
The APA has pointed this out in their letter to the president of the United States in June 2018.
The context of the letter was based on empirical evidence with decades of psychological research.
That being said: Just in my case, Judge Hal G. Harrison, Judge F. Warren Hughes, Rebecca Eggers, Tamera Divinire, Christy Gottfried, Lyric Fitzgibbons, Tom Hughes and Chad Slagle psychologically abused my daughters to the point of harming (destroying) my relationship with my daughters and are guilty of domestic violence and child abuse. This is the exact definition for emotional domestic violence from the United States Department of Justice.
Having the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission, the NC State Bar, Josh Stein, sheriff Len Hagaman, Boone Police Department, The North Carolina SBI and the FBI All take part is simply reprehensible.
Even Appalachian State Psychology Department Dr. Kurt Michaels, Rose Mary Webb and all those listed above REFUSED TO REPORT SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE MANDATED BY N.C.G.S. § 7B-301. How in the world is this possible? More to the point, how is this legal?
So here comes my main question and the reason for this letter.
It is imperative your advice be considered because it is about child abuse, child trafficking, domestic violence, and murder. It will have implications that will mean the difference between life and death. It will have effects on families for generations.
I have a website: ChildAbusiveJudges.com
I have tried to point out the corruption and child abusers who have abused my daughters and stripped away my constitutional rights.
The website generates many views and I receive messages from other parents/grand-parents, family members and their fight against these child abusers and the organized tyrants who protect these child abusers (Child trafficking ring).
After my experience with you (Josh Stein), your office and the many organizations listed above, I am at a loss on what to say to the people that contact me. I have spoken to so many people that have witnessed their children abused directly in front of them and there is nothing they can do. Almost all were put into a position of having emotional domestic violence ordered by these tyrants and just in the last month I have personally spoken with two parents that called out Judge Hal G. Harrison and Rebecca Eggers Gryder by name as judges who are abusing or have abused their children and ordered emotional domestic violence.
Please note that these children who have been or are being psychologically abused are in imminent danger and/or may have been severely emotionally compromised from this judicial ordered abuse.
Please tell me what advice you would recommend I give these parents?
I wrote down some options for you to choose from.
Please remember: It would be ill-advised for me to recommend them to try any of the routes I have taken as the people who are in place are only there to protect child abusers.
I have been told by many parents that they have also gone the same routes only to witness their children further abused and retribution/retaliation by the justice system.
I could not in good conscience recommend any of the normal advised avenues.
Please understand many of these children are in a position of imminent danger.
Please take into consideration that I have exhausted what I believe are all the all routes to report this domestic violence, and child abuse only to fall on a system that protects child abusers and encourages domestic violence.
As a peaceful person, I would never recommend the use of these choices but will tell parents and families in these situations that you and your department are completely aware the circumstances and since the AG’s office refuses to do anything the AG’s office officially recommendation is this would be your only option.
Now, I realize the 2nd amendment right is a last resort for any United States citizen to use. As you have seen, I would never advise any of these routes and have personally exhausted what I believe to be every means possible. I have witnessed over and over again that the North Carolina and United States justice system is set up for self-preservation and not to protect our children or We the People’s Constitutional Rights.
An additional quandary, by using any 2nd amendment right on the child abusers, a person would be forced to exercise that right on any approaching, sheriff, deputies, police department, SBI or FBI agents that would be called to protect the child abuser and child trafficking ring so the flow of money could continue to be generated into the State of North Carolina.
Please include your recommendation of how you would handle these possibilities and remember:
You were informed about these judges abusing my daughters years ago through several ways of contact. Phone calls directly to your office and a certified letter. You chose to run interference, protecting these child abuser and profit from your actions. Now more children and parents are being traumatized and abused as a direct result of your actions even by the same judges.
Please note: I have not seen or heard from my daughters in almost 9 years. Psychological child abuse does not stop when they turn 18 or hit a certain age, so, I am not kidding in the least about this letter.
I eagerly await your recommend actions to tell these parents I have spoken to and continually speak with. Many of these parents are being abused and forced to watch their children abused right in front of their faces.
Here is hoping you have a wonderful day.
Thank you for your help and time in this matter, I eagerly await your response.
Please tell Anna, Leah, Adam, and Sam I send my love.
If I do not hear from you in a timely manner, (10 days), I will forward the message that Josh Stein and you’re the entire North Carolina’s Attorney Generals department will do nothing about this known child trafficking and Josh Stein encourages people to use their 2nd amendment constitutional right to protect their family and children.
Kenneth Gottfried
A father to 3 abused daughters
cc: media outlets
Reference material:
This brings up an extremely important question. If emotional/psychological child abuse is 34% and sexual plus Physical child abuse is 30% combined, why does North Carolina show that only 1-2% of children are emotionally abused, and most of the maltreatment is neglect? https://cwoutcomes.acf.hhs.gov/cwodatasite/pdf/north%20carolina.html
Just in my case of: FRAUD, Fraud Upon the Court False Claims, Illegal Filings and
moral turpitude
Feb 5th 2015: Judge Warren Hughes refuses to allow me to see my children and denies me due process. For the next 6 months he allows continuance after continuance abusing and traumatizing my children by erasing me out of their lives. This is nothing short of ordering Domestic Violence and Emotional child abuse.
August 8th, 2015: Judge Hughes once again refuses me due process by allowing my oldest daughter to testify. There she will utter words no parent should hear. “My father never loved me”.
Judge Hughes again does not give me any time with my children. No reason behind his decision. Personally, I am emotionally starting to break. Having not had time with my daughters in almost 2 years, I can see from afar that there is something severely wrong with my daughters. My daughters’ abuse and trauma show in their eyes.
August 19, 2015: I filed emotional child abuse charges with the Watauga Department of Social Services. They do not investigate emotional abuse, even when it is spelled out in the complaint. They refuse to investigate.
Dec 2, 2015: Judge Hughes orders my children into private chambers and witnessed the emotional child abuse 1st hand. My children are crying, shaking and are inconsolable. They show all symptoms of severe emotional child abuse. Stating things like “I wish my father was dead.”
Judge Hughes refused to report child abuse mandated by the state: NC state statute G.S. 7B-301(a) (Yes, I did see this first-hand when I witnessed one of my children come out of the judge’s chambers). Judge Hughes refused to report emotional child abuse and continued to order domestic violence and child abuse. (I was in absolute disbelief and snapped after having witnessed my daughters being so traumatized walking out of the judge’s chambers. At the time, I was so full of confusion and rage that I felt like I could have killed Judge Hughes on the spot for what he had ordered.)
Dec 3, 2015 Out front of the courthouse I demonstrated knowing Judge Hughes abused my children. https://www.hcpress.com/news/business-owner-in-child-custody-battle-protests-in-front-of-watauga-county-courthouse-in-boone.html
Dec 3, 2015: Judge Hughes recused himself, and Judge Hal G Harrison takes over. With only a 40-minute notice to appear in court, Judge Hal Harrison refused me due process (NC requires a 5-day notice for preparing for court) and issues an illegal gag order for me protesting across the street after realizing how psychologically abused and traumatized my daughters were. What I did not realize was that it was an unlawful gag order. When asked in court for my daughters to be seen by a specialist in psychology, Judge Harrison refused. (At this time Judge Harrison was aware of the trauma my daughters were going through, and was fully aware of the child abuse. He refused to report child abuse as mandated by the state: NC state statute G.S. 7B-301(a).)
This is where the systemic child trafficking really begins to show itself. Watauga DSS refused to investigate child abuse, Judge Hughes abused my daughters and here comes Judge Hal Harrison to continue and escalate the orders of child and judicial abuse.
In my mind, the questions persist daily. How can I protect my daughters? How can I get them help? How can I reach out? What do I do when the government officials are the ones abusing my children?
Feb 5th, 2016: Back in court. While I was the stand, I was given a signed order that I had never seen. I told the judge I that I had never seen this order. Later, Judge Hal Harrison stated in open court “I would like to get down to the bottom of this! “ and proceeded to order my previous attorney (Nancy Rivenbark) to the stand to testify against me, on the same day and in the next couple of hours.
To make this perfectly clear, Judge Hal G. Harrison ordered my previous attorney to the stand to testify against me. He ordered and colluded with Tamera DiVenere to file a subpoena to have my previous attorney testify against me on the same day within about 2 hours. (Turns out my previous attorney forged my name on the order in question while I was in Florida. 3-30-2015)
May 2016: I was ordered by judge Hughes and the accountant (Controller) to pay the mortgage on a piece of property mutually owned to prevent it from going into foreclosure. (This was the same accountant refusing to pay me the court ordered salary that I was ordered to recieve.)
May 17, 2016: Judge Hughes issues a restraining order forbidding me from entering my own business, evicting me from where I was living, and preventing me from going on any property I owned. All based on fraudulent findings of fact conspired with Tamera DiVenere.
May 19th, 2016: Judge Hal Harrison signs and issues a subpoena to me for May 20th, 2016. (Less than 24 hours)
May 20th, 2016: Without an attorney and without due process Judge Hal Harrison denied me a continuance. Judge Hal Harrison puts me in jail for 30 days over my daughters High School Graduation. While in jail, I lost a business I had been building for over 2 years, a location I was renting for another business, loss of $75,000 in business property, and the worst part was, missing my daughter’s high-school graduation
At this point, I kind of lost it mentally.
To understate the corruption in the family court system is to deny reality.
From the time in jail, watching my children abused in front of me, losing my businesses, having no place to live, zero income, restrained from all my properties, not being able to contact or help my children finally took its toll: I was diagnosed with all the symptoms of complex-PTSD.
My next court date was asked to be continued. I even had a letter from my therapist that I was ordered by him not to show up in court for 60 days.
July 20, 2016: Judge Hal Harrison issues an arrest warrant for me not being able to show up to court. Completely abandoning the Americans with Disabilities Act.
August 18, 2016: I was given an ultimatum and blackmailed by Judge Hal Harrison: either sign over 100% of everything I ever owned and worked for or go to jail indefinitely. Neither were good options, especially now dealing with the severity of Complex-PTSD.
On that day I was blackmailed by Judge Hal G. Harrison for over 5.5 million dollars.
Years later, I found out that he had received bribes by law firm Eggers, Eggers & Eggers while running his campaign.
My complaints to the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission were met with, “We protect judges not the people’s rights.”
Tom Hughes and the Watauga DSS refusal to investigate and actively obstructed child abuse claims protecting child abusers.
Sheriff Len Hagaman blocked any reports of child abuse that I tried to file.
North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein refused to actively help in any way.
And now, more and more people are calling me because their children and themselves are being abused by the same judges and others all across the United States and the world.
Kenneth R. Gottfried
1067 S. Hover St.
Ste E-178
Longmont, CO, 80501
Mr. Josh Stein
Attorney General’s Office
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Dear Mr. Stein:
I hope you are doing well in these crazy days.
I am in a quandary and have been put in a position where I absolutely request your advice.
As you know, I wrote you a letter on December 1st 2017. (https://www.childabusivejudges.com/josh-stein.html )
Since this letter you ordered your attorney: Hugh Harris to do his best to defuse the situation with making the least waves possible and protect the child abusive judges who abused my under-aged daughters.
I explained this within your council and AG's office
This included covering up of child abusers and domestic violence ordered by judges in your state. Specifically Judge Hal G. Harrison, Judge F. Warren Hughes and Judge Rebecca Eggers-Gryder.
Here is where my confusion comes in.
- I reported the deprivation of rights by Judge Hal Harrison and Judge F. Warren Hughes under the color of law to the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission. I was told by Judge Bryant and the Judicial Standards Commission that they do not care about my constitutional rights or my children and the NCJSC protect judges no matter how much factual data a person provides.
- When I reported psychological and emotional child abuse to both Tom Hughes and Chad Slagle of the Watauga County DSS they both blatantly lied about what North Carolina considers child abuse and refused to do any type of actual investigation. They both claimed that emotional and psychological, abuse is not something that North Carolina investigates. Tom Hughes and Chad Slagle have proclaimed to be experts in the field of Psychological Child Abuse DSM-5 V995.51 and a shared persecutory delusion (psychological child abuse) and to my knowledge have never even spoken with my daughters. Tom Hughes even demanded that I contact Watauga County’s attorney: Andrea Capua with Disanti, Watson Capua (Watauga County’s Council). Coincidentally, Andrea Capua was my attorney approximately 2 years earlier on the same case.
- I tried to file criminal child abuse charges with Watauga County’s Sheriff Len Hagaman and his department. Sheriff Len Hagaman ordered his entire staff to only let him handle this case and anything I try and file. Sheriff Hagaman committed malfeasance by not even writing up a single report. I was told to go to the Watauga County Attorney Tony disanti. Tony disanti refused to reply to any of my correspondence and had another attorney send a cryptic email. When I responded to her email the offices of Disanti Watson and Capua refused to respond. Coincidentally, Tony disanti was the head attorney with the law firm approximately 2 years earlier on the same case with Andrea Capua.
- I contacted Seth Banks, Watauga County’s district attorney whose staff acknowledged he protects child abusers when they are judges and refused to respond to any of my attempts to contact him.
- The Boone police department acknowledged that they have no jurisdiction to go after child abusers and cut all communications.
- I reported the conflict of interests with Disanti Watson and Capua to the NC State Bar Association. I was told by the State bar there was no conflict what-so-ever. Really? The State bar wrote “you can represent someone and then represent an organization against that client less than 3 years later with no conflict of interests on the exact same case. And you can advise that client to lie, protect child abusers and commit color of law violations at will. https://www.childabusivejudges.com/nc-bar-association.html
- I contacted the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. After speaking with Chris Laws (an SBI investigator) personally, he advised me that he was an expert in psychological and emotional child abuse and my case needed no further investigation because he knows all about a shared persecutory delusion and did not even need to contact my children. The case was closed.
- Lambert Guinn US attorney western NC (How many child abusers are there holding positions in the Justice system?). Spoke to him personally. He actually put the hickory FBI on my case where I received 1 phone call. They left a message to call back. Tried calling them back for weeks. They refused to answer their phone or return the calls.
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation does its best to lie and cover up anything that could make them look bad. The best I can explain about this department is that they are completely impotent. Read about them here: https://www.childabusivejudges.com/fbi.html
- Christopher Wray Director of the FBI. https://www.childabusivejudges.com/fbi.html Letter sent December 30th, 2021. No Response.
This inspired me to write two books.
- Victim https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B087MZ9G2H&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_K9GEEMJAEE7ZJY1VRJQK
- Killing Judges https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0887TMB65&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PFHY7AQFZFC2XW6RT9X5
At this point there is a statute in North Carolina that MANDATES you or anyone to report suspected child abuse. N.C.G.S. § 7B-301. To my knowledge neither you nor your attorney or anyone listed above reported suspected child abuse. Please let me know where to report you and your attorney Hugh Harris as well as the people listed above of this crime?
The sad part, even if you did report it, there were Chad Slagle and Tom Hughes at the DSS ready to lie and deny any investigation about the child abuse
Even with a hard copy in my hand of 3 confirmed ethics violations from the North Carolina Board of Professional Counselors on Lyric Fitzgibbons who directly psychologically abused my daughters, Judge F. Warren Hughes allowed her to testify in my case as an EXPERT witness. Judge Hughes did this with only a 1-day notice and overruled my attorneys’ objections. Judge Hughes knew full well that in North Carolina any expert witness requires a minimum of a 5-day notice for due process.
You see, one can’t win a game that has been fixed. Like when Rebecca Egger’s (Now a family court judge) with law firm Eggers, Eggers, Eggers and Eggers bribed judge Hal G. Harrison to do their bidding. Yes, the exact bribes are acknowledged and documented by the North Carolina Disclosure report. An ironic point: They are documented by the North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement Examples: https://www.childabusivejudges.com/judge-hal-harrison.html
Based on my experience the workings of your department, the NC justice system, and it’s oversite committees can without any doubt be considered a child trafficking ring.
You and your institutions routinely abuse children and parents to the point of life long emotional issues and committing suicide.
The APA has pointed this out in their letter to the president of the United States in June 2018.
The context of the letter was based on empirical evidence with decades of psychological research.
That being said: Just in my case, Judge Hal G. Harrison, Judge F. Warren Hughes, Rebecca Eggers, Tamera Divinire, Christy Gottfried, Lyric Fitzgibbons, Tom Hughes and Chad Slagle psychologically abused my daughters to the point of harming (destroying) my relationship with my daughters and are guilty of domestic violence and child abuse. This is the exact definition for emotional domestic violence from the United States Department of Justice.
Having the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission, the NC State Bar, Josh Stein, sheriff Len Hagaman, Boone Police Department, The North Carolina SBI and the FBI All take part is simply reprehensible.
Even Appalachian State Psychology Department Dr. Kurt Michaels, Rose Mary Webb and all those listed above REFUSED TO REPORT SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE MANDATED BY N.C.G.S. § 7B-301. How in the world is this possible? More to the point, how is this legal?
So here comes my main question and the reason for this letter.
It is imperative your advice be considered because it is about child abuse, child trafficking, domestic violence, and murder. It will have implications that will mean the difference between life and death. It will have effects on families for generations.
I have a website: ChildAbusiveJudges.com
I have tried to point out the corruption and child abusers who have abused my daughters and stripped away my constitutional rights.
The website generates many views and I receive messages from other parents/grand-parents, family members and their fight against these child abusers and the organized tyrants who protect these child abusers (Child trafficking ring).
After my experience with you (Josh Stein), your office and the many organizations listed above, I am at a loss on what to say to the people that contact me. I have spoken to so many people that have witnessed their children abused directly in front of them and there is nothing they can do. Almost all were put into a position of having emotional domestic violence ordered by these tyrants and just in the last month I have personally spoken with two parents that called out Judge Hal G. Harrison and Rebecca Eggers Gryder by name as judges who are abusing or have abused their children and ordered emotional domestic violence.
Please note that these children who have been or are being psychologically abused are in imminent danger and/or may have been severely emotionally compromised from this judicial ordered abuse.
Please tell me what advice you would recommend I give these parents?
I wrote down some options for you to choose from.
Please remember: It would be ill-advised for me to recommend them to try any of the routes I have taken as the people who are in place are only there to protect child abusers.
I have been told by many parents that they have also gone the same routes only to witness their children further abused and retribution/retaliation by the justice system.
I could not in good conscience recommend any of the normal advised avenues.
Please understand many of these children are in a position of imminent danger.
Please take into consideration that I have exhausted what I believe are all the all routes to report this domestic violence, and child abuse only to fall on a system that protects child abusers and encourages domestic violence.
As a peaceful person, I would never recommend the use of these choices but will tell parents and families in these situations that you and your department are completely aware the circumstances and since the AG’s office refuses to do anything the AG’s office officially recommendation is this would be your only option.
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect their family from an abusive tyrannical government, to come into your office, house or any event and exercise that right?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect family from an abusive tyrannical government, they come into judges Hal G Harrison’s office, house or any event and exercise that right by shoving him into a woodchipper feet first and taping this child abusers screams for other family court judges to hear?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect family from an abusive tyrannical government, they come into judges Rebecca Eggers-Gryder office, house or any event and exercise that right by setting her on fire directly in front of the courthouse?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect family from an abusive tyrannical government, come into Sheriff’s office, house or any event and exercise that right?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect family from an abusive tyrannical government, come into the NC Judicial Standards office, house or any event and exercise that right?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to protect family from an abusive tyrannical government, they come into Christopher Wray’s, office, house or any event and exercise that right?
- Do you recommend finding the children of any of these tyrants and kidnap their children and abuse them? After all, if these tyrants do not care about our children and family, the likelihood of them caring less about their own children is extremely high. Correct?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to blow up buildings like the Oklahoma bombing from an abusive tyrannical government?
- Do you recommend using a person’s 2nd amendment right to delete politicians who created and blatantly allow this kind of abusive tyrannical government?
- Would you recommend this last request?
- Do you recommend that the abused parents, family members, organize a well-armed militia and kill all involved in this child abuse and destruction of families all at once?
- Other options. Again, I am always open for other options that work. Please add any comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Now, I realize the 2nd amendment right is a last resort for any United States citizen to use. As you have seen, I would never advise any of these routes and have personally exhausted what I believe to be every means possible. I have witnessed over and over again that the North Carolina and United States justice system is set up for self-preservation and not to protect our children or We the People’s Constitutional Rights.
An additional quandary, by using any 2nd amendment right on the child abusers, a person would be forced to exercise that right on any approaching, sheriff, deputies, police department, SBI or FBI agents that would be called to protect the child abuser and child trafficking ring so the flow of money could continue to be generated into the State of North Carolina.
Please include your recommendation of how you would handle these possibilities and remember:
You were informed about these judges abusing my daughters years ago through several ways of contact. Phone calls directly to your office and a certified letter. You chose to run interference, protecting these child abuser and profit from your actions. Now more children and parents are being traumatized and abused as a direct result of your actions even by the same judges.
Please note: I have not seen or heard from my daughters in almost 9 years. Psychological child abuse does not stop when they turn 18 or hit a certain age, so, I am not kidding in the least about this letter.
I eagerly await your recommend actions to tell these parents I have spoken to and continually speak with. Many of these parents are being abused and forced to watch their children abused right in front of their faces.
Here is hoping you have a wonderful day.
Thank you for your help and time in this matter, I eagerly await your response.
Please tell Anna, Leah, Adam, and Sam I send my love.
If I do not hear from you in a timely manner, (10 days), I will forward the message that Josh Stein and you’re the entire North Carolina’s Attorney Generals department will do nothing about this known child trafficking and Josh Stein encourages people to use their 2nd amendment constitutional right to protect their family and children.
Kenneth Gottfried
A father to 3 abused daughters
cc: media outlets
Reference material:
- DSM-5 V995.51 Psychological child abuse
- Separating family’s letter, American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/advocacy/immigration/separating-families-letter.pdf
- Suicides from separating families (Partial list): https://www.childabusivejudges.com/suicides.html
- Exact Definition of Emotional Domestic Violence from the United States Department of Justice: “Damaging ones relationship with his/her children”
- APA press release Oct 2014 Psychological abuse as harmful as sexual and psychological abuse. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/10/psychological-abuse
- The Contribution of Psychological Maltreatment to Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Risk Outcomes www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/tra-a0037766.pdf
- CDC distribution of child abuse:
This brings up an extremely important question. If emotional/psychological child abuse is 34% and sexual plus Physical child abuse is 30% combined, why does North Carolina show that only 1-2% of children are emotionally abused, and most of the maltreatment is neglect? https://cwoutcomes.acf.hhs.gov/cwodatasite/pdf/north%20carolina.html
Just in my case of: FRAUD, Fraud Upon the Court False Claims, Illegal Filings and
moral turpitude
Feb 5th 2015: Judge Warren Hughes refuses to allow me to see my children and denies me due process. For the next 6 months he allows continuance after continuance abusing and traumatizing my children by erasing me out of their lives. This is nothing short of ordering Domestic Violence and Emotional child abuse.
August 8th, 2015: Judge Hughes once again refuses me due process by allowing my oldest daughter to testify. There she will utter words no parent should hear. “My father never loved me”.
Judge Hughes again does not give me any time with my children. No reason behind his decision. Personally, I am emotionally starting to break. Having not had time with my daughters in almost 2 years, I can see from afar that there is something severely wrong with my daughters. My daughters’ abuse and trauma show in their eyes.
August 19, 2015: I filed emotional child abuse charges with the Watauga Department of Social Services. They do not investigate emotional abuse, even when it is spelled out in the complaint. They refuse to investigate.
Dec 2, 2015: Judge Hughes orders my children into private chambers and witnessed the emotional child abuse 1st hand. My children are crying, shaking and are inconsolable. They show all symptoms of severe emotional child abuse. Stating things like “I wish my father was dead.”
Judge Hughes refused to report child abuse mandated by the state: NC state statute G.S. 7B-301(a) (Yes, I did see this first-hand when I witnessed one of my children come out of the judge’s chambers). Judge Hughes refused to report emotional child abuse and continued to order domestic violence and child abuse. (I was in absolute disbelief and snapped after having witnessed my daughters being so traumatized walking out of the judge’s chambers. At the time, I was so full of confusion and rage that I felt like I could have killed Judge Hughes on the spot for what he had ordered.)
Dec 3, 2015 Out front of the courthouse I demonstrated knowing Judge Hughes abused my children. https://www.hcpress.com/news/business-owner-in-child-custody-battle-protests-in-front-of-watauga-county-courthouse-in-boone.html
Dec 3, 2015: Judge Hughes recused himself, and Judge Hal G Harrison takes over. With only a 40-minute notice to appear in court, Judge Hal Harrison refused me due process (NC requires a 5-day notice for preparing for court) and issues an illegal gag order for me protesting across the street after realizing how psychologically abused and traumatized my daughters were. What I did not realize was that it was an unlawful gag order. When asked in court for my daughters to be seen by a specialist in psychology, Judge Harrison refused. (At this time Judge Harrison was aware of the trauma my daughters were going through, and was fully aware of the child abuse. He refused to report child abuse as mandated by the state: NC state statute G.S. 7B-301(a).)
This is where the systemic child trafficking really begins to show itself. Watauga DSS refused to investigate child abuse, Judge Hughes abused my daughters and here comes Judge Hal Harrison to continue and escalate the orders of child and judicial abuse.
In my mind, the questions persist daily. How can I protect my daughters? How can I get them help? How can I reach out? What do I do when the government officials are the ones abusing my children?
Feb 5th, 2016: Back in court. While I was the stand, I was given a signed order that I had never seen. I told the judge I that I had never seen this order. Later, Judge Hal Harrison stated in open court “I would like to get down to the bottom of this! “ and proceeded to order my previous attorney (Nancy Rivenbark) to the stand to testify against me, on the same day and in the next couple of hours.
To make this perfectly clear, Judge Hal G. Harrison ordered my previous attorney to the stand to testify against me. He ordered and colluded with Tamera DiVenere to file a subpoena to have my previous attorney testify against me on the same day within about 2 hours. (Turns out my previous attorney forged my name on the order in question while I was in Florida. 3-30-2015)
May 2016: I was ordered by judge Hughes and the accountant (Controller) to pay the mortgage on a piece of property mutually owned to prevent it from going into foreclosure. (This was the same accountant refusing to pay me the court ordered salary that I was ordered to recieve.)
May 17, 2016: Judge Hughes issues a restraining order forbidding me from entering my own business, evicting me from where I was living, and preventing me from going on any property I owned. All based on fraudulent findings of fact conspired with Tamera DiVenere.
May 19th, 2016: Judge Hal Harrison signs and issues a subpoena to me for May 20th, 2016. (Less than 24 hours)
May 20th, 2016: Without an attorney and without due process Judge Hal Harrison denied me a continuance. Judge Hal Harrison puts me in jail for 30 days over my daughters High School Graduation. While in jail, I lost a business I had been building for over 2 years, a location I was renting for another business, loss of $75,000 in business property, and the worst part was, missing my daughter’s high-school graduation
At this point, I kind of lost it mentally.
To understate the corruption in the family court system is to deny reality.
From the time in jail, watching my children abused in front of me, losing my businesses, having no place to live, zero income, restrained from all my properties, not being able to contact or help my children finally took its toll: I was diagnosed with all the symptoms of complex-PTSD.
My next court date was asked to be continued. I even had a letter from my therapist that I was ordered by him not to show up in court for 60 days.
July 20, 2016: Judge Hal Harrison issues an arrest warrant for me not being able to show up to court. Completely abandoning the Americans with Disabilities Act.
August 18, 2016: I was given an ultimatum and blackmailed by Judge Hal Harrison: either sign over 100% of everything I ever owned and worked for or go to jail indefinitely. Neither were good options, especially now dealing with the severity of Complex-PTSD.
On that day I was blackmailed by Judge Hal G. Harrison for over 5.5 million dollars.
Years later, I found out that he had received bribes by law firm Eggers, Eggers & Eggers while running his campaign.
My complaints to the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission were met with, “We protect judges not the people’s rights.”
Tom Hughes and the Watauga DSS refusal to investigate and actively obstructed child abuse claims protecting child abusers.
Sheriff Len Hagaman blocked any reports of child abuse that I tried to file.
North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein refused to actively help in any way.
And now, more and more people are calling me because their children and themselves are being abused by the same judges and others all across the United States and the world.
November 13, 2017
Mr. Josh Stein
Attorney General’s Office
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Dear Mr. Stein:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this very important request. My hope is that upon review of my correspondence and enclosed materials that you will find that an investigation is necessary into the actions/inactions of multiple individuals who were involved in a highly charged and emotional family law matter which I have been involved in for several years.
My name is Kenneth Gottfried and I am the father of three beautiful girls, two of whom I believe, based on the wrongful conduct of others have been abused not only psychologically, but have been abused by the “system” as well.
I write to you with the knowledge that the people I am asking you to investigate live for retribution, as they have proven that the rights and safety of children and families does not matter. Also, the inherent nature of their position(s) leads them to believe they are above the law. I am also hoping that your office’s involvement will prevent this from happening to any other parents or children in the State of North Carolina.
The individuals I seek investigation of include: Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers (all of the Watauga County Court), and Attorney Tamera Divenere. I am seeking investigation of the before-mentioned individuals based on their involvement in:
To provide some background, I turn your attention to the attached Complaints I have filed with the Judicial Standards Commission against Judges Harrison, Hughes and Eggers. The narratives attached provide detailed allegations which support the above referenced claims I wish for your office to investigate.
Judge Hughes
Judge Hughes allowed an "expert witness" (Lyric Fitzgibbons) to testify against me. With only 1 and ½ day notice, this expert witness was allowed to testify. My attorney objected to the notification of time for an expert witness, which Judge Hughes overruled. My attorney objected to her testimony, Judge Hughes overruled. At the time, I had joint legal custody of my daughters. Mrs. Fitzgibbons was seeing my underage girls for approximately 4 months without my knowledge or consent. My attorney objected; Judge Hughes overruled and still allowed her to testify.
Mrs. Fitzgibbons testified that I needed a psychological evaluation without ever meeting me. Once again, my attorney objected. Judge Hughes overruled. Judge Hughes refused to allow me to have any time (zero visitation-the DOJ's exact definition of domestic abuse, psychological abuse) with my daughters and ordered psychological evaluation for both me and Christy Gottfried.
Judge Hughes then continued the case for 6 months. (continuing the child abuse and domestic violence EXACTLY described by the DOJ). Without any notice, Judge Hughes allowed my oldest daughter to testify in August 2015. She stated under oath to the exact phrases and symptoms of psychological child abuse described in both books, Foundations and Divorce Poison. Judge Hughes once again continued the case. (continuing the child abuse and domestic violence as exactly described by the DOJ). Continuing the child/domestic abuse, and again, refusing to allow me any time with my children and (zero visitation-the DOJ's exact definition of domestic abuse, psychological abuse). Judge Hughes completely ignored his last order in February 2016 and the results of the psychological evaluation(s).
Results of Psychological evaluations:
Kenneth Gottfried: Under stress, managing acceptably
Christy Gottfried: Paranoid tendencies
Mrs. Fitzgibbons continued to counsel my daughters for over a year without my knowledge or consent until she was ordered to stop by the NC Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and found guilty of ethics violations by The North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.
As you are undoubtedly aware, there are rules/ethics for a Judge or attorney to report child abuse. As officers of the Court, they are mandatory reporters in the State of North Carolina.
On December 2, 2015, after over 2 years with little to no contact, Judge Hughes ordered my daughters in private chambers and witnessed my daughters visibly abused, traumatized. My children were shaking, crying, and saying things like “I wish my dad was dead” (once again, exact phrases and symptoms of psychological child abuse described in both books) (Psychological abuse DSM-5 V995.51). Judge Hughes, seeing this, refused to report child abuse.
Additionally, Tamera Divenere (then counsel for my ex-wife) met with and conferenced with my underage daughter without my consent when I had joint legal custody in December of 2015. Visual proof of discussion with my daughter who was visibly traumatized, crying and shaking in the halls of Watauga Courthouse. Tamera Divenere refused to report child abuse and engaged triangulating my daughter first hand with child abuse and engaged impersonating a therapist specialized in psychological child abuse.
On December 3, 2015, I protested the actions of Judge F. Warren Hughes outside of the Watauga County Courthouse. See https://www.hcpress.com/news/business-owner-in-child-custody-battle-protests-in-front-of-watauga-county-courthouse-in-boone.html.
Proper Identification of this type of psychological child abuse explained in the DSM-V V995.51 needs to have a specialist in this field of expertise as explained in the APA's code of ethics:
Standard 2.01 Boundaries of Competence
(a) Psychologists provide services, teach and conduct research with populations and in areas only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study or professional experience.
The symptoms of my child evidence a pronounced suppression of normal-range attachment bonding motivations toward a normal-range and affectionally available parent. The induced suppression of my child’s attachment motivations is the product of my child’s triangulation into the spousal conflict through the formation of a cross-generational coalition with one parent against the other parent (as defined and described by Jay Haley1 and Salvador Minuchin2). My child’s symptoms also evidence prominent narcissistic personality traits (e.g., grandiosity, entitlement, the absence of empathy, haughty and arrogant attitude, splitting) which are evidence of the influence on my child’s attitudes by a narcissistic personality parent.
The assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the forms of pathology evidenced in my child’s symptom display requires professional competence in the relevant domains of attachment-related pathology, including the potential transgenerational transmission of attachment trauma from the mothers' childhood to the current family relationships,
1 Haley, J. (1977). Toward a theory of pathological systems. In P. Watzlawick & J. Weakland (Eds.), The interactional view (pp. 31-48). New York: Norton.
Judge Harrison
My case was then transferred to Judge Harrison. Judge Harrison started the Court hearing on December 3, 2015 by calling me, a father that has not been with his children for over 2 years, "DESPICABLE". 17 min, 55 seconds into the Dec 3, 2015 hearing. Judge Harrison also stated that he knew everything about this case shortly thereafter. I stated on the witness stand my daughters were being abused. At the end of the trial, my attorney asked for my children to be seen by a professional psychologist due to child abuse, Judge Harrison refused. Judge Harrison refused to protect my children and have them checked by a professional for abuse (Dec 3, 2015).
Judge Harrison also denied my rights of free speech ordering if I protested again, he would through me in jail.
Judge Harrison continued the child abuse and domestic violence (exactly as described by the DOJ), and refused to protect my children.
Judge Harrison refused to allow me to be paid as ordered by Judge McIntyre's previously entered Court order from December 2014 for past and future payments which were withheld from me without any notice or due process.
Egregiously, Judge Harrison, in a February 2016 court hearing, called my own attorney to the witness stand to testify against me without any notice. No due process. That attorney forged my name on the document in question while I was out of the state. I have e-mail correspondence proving this. Judge Harrison was working in collusion with my ex's attorney (Tamera Diviniri) and had her ask questions for him under oath.
Following this egregious testimony, at the end of the hearing, Judge Harrison ruled:
On December 2, 2015, Judge Hughes ordered an accountant to go over the accusations from Christy Gottfried (my ex) and her attorney Tamera Divenere.
In February 2016, Judge Harrison refused to have the accountant look over the accusations ordered by Judge Hughes 2 months earlier and subsequently ordered over $57,000 in business expenses deemed as personal. This unlawfully stripped me of income ordered by Judge McIntire from December 2014, and Judge Harrison also refused to change child support.
On May 17, 2016, (without any notification), Judge Harrison entered a restraining order from me doing my business taxes and from going into or having anything to do with any of my own businesses or property. Judge Harrison Specifically ordered me to remove all online personal involvement (According to the Feb 2016 Judgment 100% of all online items were personal). Additionally, I was evicted from where I was living (I stated on the witness stand in the Feb 2016 trial that I was living on business property). To this day, I have no itemized records from 2015 or 2016 to file my personal taxes properly.
On Thursday, May 20, 2016, I was handed a subpoena to be in court the very next day, May 21, 2016. This subpoena was for doing exactly what the May 20 restraining order ordered me to do. Judge Harrison even ordered me not to bring up the Feb 2016 decision while we were in court. This could be construed as double jeopardy.
On Friday, May 21, 2016, I showed up in court, without the assistance of counsel and improperly dressed (due to eviction without notice 3 days earlier and less than 1 day to prepare for court.) When I asked for a continuance, Judge Harrison denied it, intentionally and with malice. Judge Harrison sent me to jail for 30 days. (Over my daughter's high school graduation, exponentially amplifying the child abuse and Domestic violence as exactly described by the DOJ). Judge Harrison sent me to jail for not answering questions without an attorney on the stand. On the witness stand, I stated that I did not understand. I did not understand the questions being asked or the process which was taking place. This was not held in family court, but the Juvenile court.
Judge Harrison was well aware and worked in collusion to a $13,000 withdrawal (possible embezzlement) by Christy Gottfried out of Go Postal's business account the day after Judge Harrison's order dated May 17, 2016.
While I spent time in jail, I:
When Judge Harrison saw in court July 2016 that I had PTSD and was ordered to take time off by my psychologist, Judge Harrison immediately ordered an arrest warrant for not showing up to court. Essentially abusing his power & position, and refusing to act in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
On August 18, 2016, Judge Harrison gave me an ultimatum: either go to jail or sign all of my parental rights over and almost everything I have ever owned or worked for since I was a child. The books Foundations and Divorce Poison are not just books. They are the stories of my life: The torture and abuse of myself and my children at the hands of these judges and attorneys.
Judge Harrison considered fair and equitable an order giving my ex and I the following:
Christy Gottfried receives:
Ken received:
Judges have much leeway in the courts but to my knowledge, they are not allowed to engage in and commit:
Please understand Mr. Stein that I was my daughter's soccer coach, school driver, hiking dad- I was and AM their father. I have no connection with them on any platform and have been blocked on every front (social, phone, mail, etc.). Every attempt of communication has gone unanswered. I have no idea where they are going to college, if they are going to college, what they are doing and absolutely no communication. This is a direct result of the psychological child abuse perpetrated upon them by the above mentioned individuals.
It is one thing when you are fighting for your constitutional rights, protection of your children on a fair playing field. When you realize the game is rigged from the beginning and that malicious and sinister individuals are in charge. These Judges and lawyers not only disregard the rule of law but use constitutional rights, DOJ domestic violence and child abuse as weapons to wield at will. Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers, and Tamera Diveneri used the EXACT definition of domestic violence defined by the Department of Justice as a sinister and insidious weapon.
I have not had time with my daughters in over 4 years. They now have aged out and it is not looking hopeful anytime soon for a reunification.
The damage and loss caused by Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers, and Tamera Divenere is immeasurable. The pain, suffering, and torture are simply heartless. The kind of people that would do these types of abuse should be in jail, not on a judge’s bench or an attorney.
These actions were calculated, intentional and without remorse and they should be investigated immediately.
If at any moment these Judges or attorneys state that they did not know because they are not qualified to detect this abuse, then by the same answer they are guilty by committing these types of child abuse and domestic violence, because they had no right to take away my rights as a father or a US citizen.
Again, I ask that you review the materials herein and initiate criminal investigations into the abovementioned individuals as soon as possible. Should you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me directly at the phone number below.
Kenneth Gottfried
Definition of Domestic violence:
This is the EXACT definition of the DOJ's psychological abuse.
This is what exactly transpired and is the Exact definition.
Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.
Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.
Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.
The Definition of Psychological Child Abuse from the DSM-V V995.51
What transpired is the Exact definition.
The supreme court right to be a parent.
14th amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
List of the following professionals for determining psychological Child abuse:
Dr. Craig Childress
Dr. Amy Baker
Dr. Michael J. Bone
Dr. Richard Warshak
Dr. Bill Bernet
Edward Kruk Ph.D.
Dr. Sue Cornbluth
Linda J. Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW-R
Dr. Jennifer Jill Harmon
Dr. Mark Roseman
Dr. Les Linet M.D.
Dr. Patricia Love
Dr. Mark Otis
Detailed Explanation and a complete breakdown in psychological terms by/in:
Dr. Craig Childress's Book: Foundations
Symptoms of and direct actions involving this type of child abuse.
Dr. Richard Warshak's Book: Divorce Poison
The APA's notification that psychological abuse as harmful as SEXUAL OR PHYSICAL abuse.
Copies sent to media outlets.
Mr. Josh Stein
Attorney General’s Office
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Dear Mr. Stein:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this very important request. My hope is that upon review of my correspondence and enclosed materials that you will find that an investigation is necessary into the actions/inactions of multiple individuals who were involved in a highly charged and emotional family law matter which I have been involved in for several years.
My name is Kenneth Gottfried and I am the father of three beautiful girls, two of whom I believe, based on the wrongful conduct of others have been abused not only psychologically, but have been abused by the “system” as well.
I write to you with the knowledge that the people I am asking you to investigate live for retribution, as they have proven that the rights and safety of children and families does not matter. Also, the inherent nature of their position(s) leads them to believe they are above the law. I am also hoping that your office’s involvement will prevent this from happening to any other parents or children in the State of North Carolina.
The individuals I seek investigation of include: Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers (all of the Watauga County Court), and Attorney Tamera Divenere. I am seeking investigation of the before-mentioned individuals based on their involvement in:
- Domestic Violence;
- Child Abuse;
- Double Jeopardy;
- Collusion;
- Abuse of Power;
- Wrongful Imprisonment;
- Wrongful eviction;
- Violation of Due Process;
- Extortion;
- Racketeering;
- Blackmail;
- Contempt;
- Federal & State Tax Fraud;
- Violation of Right to Free Speech;
- Refusal to Report Child Abuse; and
- Denial of Parental Rights; and
- Suppression of Evidence.
To provide some background, I turn your attention to the attached Complaints I have filed with the Judicial Standards Commission against Judges Harrison, Hughes and Eggers. The narratives attached provide detailed allegations which support the above referenced claims I wish for your office to investigate.
Judge Hughes
Judge Hughes allowed an "expert witness" (Lyric Fitzgibbons) to testify against me. With only 1 and ½ day notice, this expert witness was allowed to testify. My attorney objected to the notification of time for an expert witness, which Judge Hughes overruled. My attorney objected to her testimony, Judge Hughes overruled. At the time, I had joint legal custody of my daughters. Mrs. Fitzgibbons was seeing my underage girls for approximately 4 months without my knowledge or consent. My attorney objected; Judge Hughes overruled and still allowed her to testify.
Mrs. Fitzgibbons testified that I needed a psychological evaluation without ever meeting me. Once again, my attorney objected. Judge Hughes overruled. Judge Hughes refused to allow me to have any time (zero visitation-the DOJ's exact definition of domestic abuse, psychological abuse) with my daughters and ordered psychological evaluation for both me and Christy Gottfried.
Judge Hughes then continued the case for 6 months. (continuing the child abuse and domestic violence EXACTLY described by the DOJ). Without any notice, Judge Hughes allowed my oldest daughter to testify in August 2015. She stated under oath to the exact phrases and symptoms of psychological child abuse described in both books, Foundations and Divorce Poison. Judge Hughes once again continued the case. (continuing the child abuse and domestic violence as exactly described by the DOJ). Continuing the child/domestic abuse, and again, refusing to allow me any time with my children and (zero visitation-the DOJ's exact definition of domestic abuse, psychological abuse). Judge Hughes completely ignored his last order in February 2016 and the results of the psychological evaluation(s).
Results of Psychological evaluations:
Kenneth Gottfried: Under stress, managing acceptably
Christy Gottfried: Paranoid tendencies
Mrs. Fitzgibbons continued to counsel my daughters for over a year without my knowledge or consent until she was ordered to stop by the NC Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and found guilty of ethics violations by The North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.
As you are undoubtedly aware, there are rules/ethics for a Judge or attorney to report child abuse. As officers of the Court, they are mandatory reporters in the State of North Carolina.
On December 2, 2015, after over 2 years with little to no contact, Judge Hughes ordered my daughters in private chambers and witnessed my daughters visibly abused, traumatized. My children were shaking, crying, and saying things like “I wish my dad was dead” (once again, exact phrases and symptoms of psychological child abuse described in both books) (Psychological abuse DSM-5 V995.51). Judge Hughes, seeing this, refused to report child abuse.
Additionally, Tamera Divenere (then counsel for my ex-wife) met with and conferenced with my underage daughter without my consent when I had joint legal custody in December of 2015. Visual proof of discussion with my daughter who was visibly traumatized, crying and shaking in the halls of Watauga Courthouse. Tamera Divenere refused to report child abuse and engaged triangulating my daughter first hand with child abuse and engaged impersonating a therapist specialized in psychological child abuse.
On December 3, 2015, I protested the actions of Judge F. Warren Hughes outside of the Watauga County Courthouse. See https://www.hcpress.com/news/business-owner-in-child-custody-battle-protests-in-front-of-watauga-county-courthouse-in-boone.html.
Proper Identification of this type of psychological child abuse explained in the DSM-V V995.51 needs to have a specialist in this field of expertise as explained in the APA's code of ethics:
Standard 2.01 Boundaries of Competence
(a) Psychologists provide services, teach and conduct research with populations and in areas only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study or professional experience.
The symptoms of my child evidence a pronounced suppression of normal-range attachment bonding motivations toward a normal-range and affectionally available parent. The induced suppression of my child’s attachment motivations is the product of my child’s triangulation into the spousal conflict through the formation of a cross-generational coalition with one parent against the other parent (as defined and described by Jay Haley1 and Salvador Minuchin2). My child’s symptoms also evidence prominent narcissistic personality traits (e.g., grandiosity, entitlement, the absence of empathy, haughty and arrogant attitude, splitting) which are evidence of the influence on my child’s attitudes by a narcissistic personality parent.
The assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the forms of pathology evidenced in my child’s symptom display requires professional competence in the relevant domains of attachment-related pathology, including the potential transgenerational transmission of attachment trauma from the mothers' childhood to the current family relationships,
1 Haley, J. (1977). Toward a theory of pathological systems. In P. Watzlawick & J. Weakland (Eds.), The interactional view (pp. 31-48). New York: Norton.
Judge Harrison
My case was then transferred to Judge Harrison. Judge Harrison started the Court hearing on December 3, 2015 by calling me, a father that has not been with his children for over 2 years, "DESPICABLE". 17 min, 55 seconds into the Dec 3, 2015 hearing. Judge Harrison also stated that he knew everything about this case shortly thereafter. I stated on the witness stand my daughters were being abused. At the end of the trial, my attorney asked for my children to be seen by a professional psychologist due to child abuse, Judge Harrison refused. Judge Harrison refused to protect my children and have them checked by a professional for abuse (Dec 3, 2015).
Judge Harrison also denied my rights of free speech ordering if I protested again, he would through me in jail.
Judge Harrison continued the child abuse and domestic violence (exactly as described by the DOJ), and refused to protect my children.
Judge Harrison refused to allow me to be paid as ordered by Judge McIntyre's previously entered Court order from December 2014 for past and future payments which were withheld from me without any notice or due process.
Egregiously, Judge Harrison, in a February 2016 court hearing, called my own attorney to the witness stand to testify against me without any notice. No due process. That attorney forged my name on the document in question while I was out of the state. I have e-mail correspondence proving this. Judge Harrison was working in collusion with my ex's attorney (Tamera Diviniri) and had her ask questions for him under oath.
Following this egregious testimony, at the end of the hearing, Judge Harrison ruled:
- Even though I did not know the order existed, and testified as such, I was found guilty;
- Approximately $10,000 of business rent was considered personal;
- Approximately $1000 of stolen money that was returned by the bank was considered personal;
- Approximately $18,000 of (Court ordered by Judge McIntyre) land payments (deemed by Judge McIntyre-not personal) were now personal;
- $2988.00 monthly payments from Go Postal payments to Kenneth Gottfried, Court ordered by Judge McIntyre in December 2014, not to be paid; and
- Approximately $7,000, 100% of all of the domain names, hosting, online Advertising (Facebook, AdWords, cross-promotional links and more) were considered personal.
On December 2, 2015, Judge Hughes ordered an accountant to go over the accusations from Christy Gottfried (my ex) and her attorney Tamera Divenere.
In February 2016, Judge Harrison refused to have the accountant look over the accusations ordered by Judge Hughes 2 months earlier and subsequently ordered over $57,000 in business expenses deemed as personal. This unlawfully stripped me of income ordered by Judge McIntire from December 2014, and Judge Harrison also refused to change child support.
On May 17, 2016, (without any notification), Judge Harrison entered a restraining order from me doing my business taxes and from going into or having anything to do with any of my own businesses or property. Judge Harrison Specifically ordered me to remove all online personal involvement (According to the Feb 2016 Judgment 100% of all online items were personal). Additionally, I was evicted from where I was living (I stated on the witness stand in the Feb 2016 trial that I was living on business property). To this day, I have no itemized records from 2015 or 2016 to file my personal taxes properly.
On Thursday, May 20, 2016, I was handed a subpoena to be in court the very next day, May 21, 2016. This subpoena was for doing exactly what the May 20 restraining order ordered me to do. Judge Harrison even ordered me not to bring up the Feb 2016 decision while we were in court. This could be construed as double jeopardy.
On Friday, May 21, 2016, I showed up in court, without the assistance of counsel and improperly dressed (due to eviction without notice 3 days earlier and less than 1 day to prepare for court.) When I asked for a continuance, Judge Harrison denied it, intentionally and with malice. Judge Harrison sent me to jail for 30 days. (Over my daughter's high school graduation, exponentially amplifying the child abuse and Domestic violence as exactly described by the DOJ). Judge Harrison sent me to jail for not answering questions without an attorney on the stand. On the witness stand, I stated that I did not understand. I did not understand the questions being asked or the process which was taking place. This was not held in family court, but the Juvenile court.
Judge Harrison was well aware and worked in collusion to a $13,000 withdrawal (possible embezzlement) by Christy Gottfried out of Go Postal's business account the day after Judge Harrison's order dated May 17, 2016.
While I spent time in jail, I:
- Missed daughters high school graduation;
- Lost business lease (Gallery). Due to ZERO income and now personal issues;
- Loss of all future projects;
- Lost Vilas Creek (2-year-old business (Growing));
- Lost 50 ft. x 140 ft. metal building I was purchasing;
- Suffered a personal and emotional breakdown;
- Was wrongful imprisoned;
- Was denied my parental rights.
- When let out of jail: I was homeless, no income, in debt to child support, restrained from ANY of my business activity, unable to see my children.
When Judge Harrison saw in court July 2016 that I had PTSD and was ordered to take time off by my psychologist, Judge Harrison immediately ordered an arrest warrant for not showing up to court. Essentially abusing his power & position, and refusing to act in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
On August 18, 2016, Judge Harrison gave me an ultimatum: either go to jail or sign all of my parental rights over and almost everything I have ever owned or worked for since I was a child. The books Foundations and Divorce Poison are not just books. They are the stories of my life: The torture and abuse of myself and my children at the hands of these judges and attorneys.
Judge Harrison considered fair and equitable an order giving my ex and I the following:
Christy Gottfried receives:
- 6400 square foot house on 3-acre tract;
- 23-acre tract;
- 6-acre commercial tract;
- 7-acre commercial tract;
- Commercial business location;
- 1 Go Postal business doing $800K-1Mil;
- 2-year-old business-Vilas Creek;
- 100% time with children;
- Most of Ken’s personal items from childhood;
- All of Ken’s personal and business belongings on 7-acre property;
- All of Ken’s personal/business property in storage facility;
- Ken’s Art collection;
- Ken’s comic book collection;
- Ken’s Christmas ornaments, bicycles and tools;
- Ken's grade school, high school, college: trophies, plaques, and school records;
- 5 trailers;
- 2 box trucks;
- All equipment and several commercial BBQ grills; and
- Outdoor movie screen;
Ken received:
- Zero contact with children;
- Little to no pictures;
- Some old clothes and personal items;
- PTSD, Depression
- 16K debt from back child & spousal support (had to sell 2011 red truck to pay back child & spousal support even though I had next to zero income.
- Homeless;
- Penniless;
- Jobless;
- 2006 blue truck full of rust for sitting for 3 years;
- 1 motorcycle sitting outside for 3 years;
- Zero income;
- Debt on taxes for fraudulent filing;
- Denial of Parental rights.
Judges have much leeway in the courts but to my knowledge, they are not allowed to engage in and commit:
- Child abuse;
- Domestic violence;
- Federal & State Tax fraud;
- Double Jeopardy;
- Refusal to report child abuse;
- Intentional wrongful imprisonment;
- Intentional refusal of due process;
- Intentionally deny the right to free speech;
- Ethics violations;
- Intentional fraud;
- Collusion;
- Ignoring their obligation to be fair and impartial;
- Extortion;
- Racketeering;
- Blackmail;
- Contempt (Not following Judge McIntyre's orders for payments: personal or business, or joint land);
- Denial of Parental rights;
- Suppression of evidence;
- Abuse of power; and/or
- Wrongful eviction (From place of dwelling/living, left me homeless, with no income and no notice).
Please understand Mr. Stein that I was my daughter's soccer coach, school driver, hiking dad- I was and AM their father. I have no connection with them on any platform and have been blocked on every front (social, phone, mail, etc.). Every attempt of communication has gone unanswered. I have no idea where they are going to college, if they are going to college, what they are doing and absolutely no communication. This is a direct result of the psychological child abuse perpetrated upon them by the above mentioned individuals.
It is one thing when you are fighting for your constitutional rights, protection of your children on a fair playing field. When you realize the game is rigged from the beginning and that malicious and sinister individuals are in charge. These Judges and lawyers not only disregard the rule of law but use constitutional rights, DOJ domestic violence and child abuse as weapons to wield at will. Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers, and Tamera Diveneri used the EXACT definition of domestic violence defined by the Department of Justice as a sinister and insidious weapon.
I have not had time with my daughters in over 4 years. They now have aged out and it is not looking hopeful anytime soon for a reunification.
The damage and loss caused by Judge Harrison, Judge Hughes, Judge Eggers, and Tamera Divenere is immeasurable. The pain, suffering, and torture are simply heartless. The kind of people that would do these types of abuse should be in jail, not on a judge’s bench or an attorney.
These actions were calculated, intentional and without remorse and they should be investigated immediately.
If at any moment these Judges or attorneys state that they did not know because they are not qualified to detect this abuse, then by the same answer they are guilty by committing these types of child abuse and domestic violence, because they had no right to take away my rights as a father or a US citizen.
Again, I ask that you review the materials herein and initiate criminal investigations into the abovementioned individuals as soon as possible. Should you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me directly at the phone number below.
Kenneth Gottfried
Definition of Domestic violence:
This is the EXACT definition of the DOJ's psychological abuse.
This is what exactly transpired and is the Exact definition.
Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.
Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.
Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.
The Definition of Psychological Child Abuse from the DSM-V V995.51
What transpired is the Exact definition.
The supreme court right to be a parent.
14th amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
List of the following professionals for determining psychological Child abuse:
Dr. Craig Childress
Dr. Amy Baker
Dr. Michael J. Bone
Dr. Richard Warshak
Dr. Bill Bernet
Edward Kruk Ph.D.
Dr. Sue Cornbluth
Linda J. Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW-R
Dr. Jennifer Jill Harmon
Dr. Mark Roseman
Dr. Les Linet M.D.
Dr. Patricia Love
Dr. Mark Otis
Detailed Explanation and a complete breakdown in psychological terms by/in:
Dr. Craig Childress's Book: Foundations
Symptoms of and direct actions involving this type of child abuse.
Dr. Richard Warshak's Book: Divorce Poison
The APA's notification that psychological abuse as harmful as SEXUAL OR PHYSICAL abuse.
Copies sent to media outlets.